Sunday, July 24, 2011

A Simile Survey-Schema Activation

Similes were given such as:
A learner is like a(n) computer, mechanic, explorer, reporter, inventor, sponge.
A teacher is like a(n) coach, gardener, doctor, news broadcaster, entertainer, orchestra conductor.

We were to state if we stronly agree, agree, disagree, or strongly disagree and aggregrated into the groups that agree with us.  When discussing why we chose the degree of agreement or disagreement, it was interesting to see different perspectives that essentially blurred the lines we had fixed in our minds.  We could see how others thought and why their perspective were chosen.  This at times caused us to question the degree of our own choosing of agreement or disagreement because we could agree with their point of view as well.  This shows that we need to be open to different interpretations and learning styles by individual students and by teaching styles of other teachers. 

Engagement level: 10

1 comment:

  1. Great job analyzing the activity completed in class, I wonder how you could incorporate this into a biology class. Again, nice job!
