Saturday, July 23, 2011

Questioning a Teacher

For 7/13/11: TLW post on questions that ask teachers about how thy facilitate learning environments.

Reflection on Favorite teachers:  Were a couple of college professors because they took the time to converse, discuss topics that fascinated me in more depth, offered reading suggestions outside of the course content that stimulated me and made me passionate about biology, and were engaged with my continued interests and successes.  They took personal interest and went above and beyond their duties as an instructor.
25 questions to ask a teacher about how he facilitates a learning environment:
1.       How do you keep students engaged?
2.      How do you know if students are learning?
3.      How do you deal with students who are at different levels in a classroom?
4.      How do you make an uninteresting topic or subject interesting?
5.      How do you deal with unmotivated students?
6.      How do you deal with students who have severe personal problems?
7.      How often do you use project-based learning as opposed to traditional style?
8.      How do you teach for standardized tests?
9.      How do you keep yourself motivated day after day when so many kids seem uninterested in learning?
10.  How do you keep up with your field of study in light of your busy schedule?
11.  How do you deal with the dynamic of parents not being participatory in their child’s education?
12.  How do you deal with kids’ religious beliefs that conflict with the topics taught (e.g., evolution)?
13.  In grading, do you give kids non-graded quizzes and pre-tests in preparation for exam?
14.  How do you deal with kids who miss a lot; how do you spend time relating material that they missed since you can’t go over things again and again in class.
15.  Since all students learn individually, how do you deal with a class of 30 students?
16.  Is it important to get parents involved in classroom activities?
17.  Do you believe in students teaching students?
18.  How important is it to befriend your students?
19.  How much homework do you give your students in light of the fact that high-need kids can’t take much time to do it?
20.  Regarding above, if you don’t assign much homework, how can you adequately get through all the material required by standards and really ensure that kids are getting the most out of the lessons with long-term retention?
21.  How important is it to bring in outside specialists to work with kids on science projects?
22.  How do you find the contacts for professional or specialists in fields who want to work with kids?
23.  Do you think it is important to teach topics that the kids can relate to the real world and their future careers?
24.  How important are field trips to students’ education?
25.  Do you integrate other subject in your lessons?

I posted the 5 most important questions to me previously, and I received a response from Rierson.  All of the questions I chose because I want to be the best teacher that I can be, and I want to create an environment and lesson plans with realistic expectations that will foster the best growth in learning for my students.  I want them to be a success in my class as well as in future classes. I hope to be a help in enhancing their success when they get out in the world and be productive individuals in the workforce.

Engagement level: 10. I enjoyed reflecting and thinking about what was important to me in facilitating a learning environment.

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